Legal information

Company name: Ateliers Roche

Société par actions simplifiée with a capital of 3.000.000€.

Head office: 15 Boulevard Marcelin Berthelot, 51100 Reims, France

Trade Register: RCS Reims. Number: 335 780 094

TVA intracommunautaire Number: FR47335780094

Publication’s Director: Mr. Cyril GRISVARD, Directeur Général

Telephone: +33 (0) 3 26 07 17 65


Company name: MEDIADVANCE

Registered office:  7 route de Châtillon 25870 CHATILLON LE DUC

Article 1 – Access to the Site

You can access the Website freely and free of charge, without registering or creating an account beforehand. Vous pouvez accéder librement et gratuitement au Site, sans inscription ni création de compte préalable.

Article 2 – Intellectual property

The Website is owned and published by the company Ateliers Roche and hosted by the company MEDIADVANCE. All elements of this Website (text, photography, illustrations, logos, files available for download, database on the Website, video or sound clips, graphic design, general structure of the Website etc. …) are Ateliers Roche’s exclusive property.

These elements are protected by French laws and international texts relating to the respect of copyrights.

Any reproduction or representation in whole or in part of this Website by any means whatsoever, without Ateliers Roche’s permission, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code. Ateliers Roche reserves the right to prosecute any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights, including criminal action.

Any user wishing to obtain permission to use one or more elements available on the Website must first apply in writing to the Director of Publication. If the total or partial reproduction of this content is authorised, it must be accompanied by the name of the author, the source and, where appropriate, a link to the original document online on the Website.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission, denaturation, total or partial of the Website or its contents, by any process whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever is prohibited.

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The Visitor may be held liable for any use of the site or its content, as well as the information disclosed therein, that is not expressly authorised by law.

Article 3 – Information appearing on the site

Ateliers Roche provides information for informational purposes only. We remind you that inaccuracies or omissions may appear in the information available on the Website, particularly due to third parties. However, we make every effort to check the accuracy of the information and to keep it up to date. However, no guarantee is made concerning the accuracy, precision, updating or completeness of this information.

Therefore, with the exception of gross negligence and wilful misconduct, Ateliers Roche disclaims all liability for any damage resulting from inaccuracies or inaccuracies in the information available on this Website, or for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party on this Website, or for any damage or viruses that may damage or render unusable your computer equipment as a result of visiting this Website.

Ateliers Roche will not be liable if the Website is unavailable for any reason whatsoever.

Ateliers Roche reserves the right to change the content of at any time without notice. Ateliers Roche will not be liable for the consequences of such changes.

The information on this Website is made available to Visitors for information purposes only and is not contractual in nature. The pages of this Website have been developed with a great concern for quality.

Article 4 – Weblinks

Ateliers Roche’s Website authorizes the establishment by external sites of a hypertext link pointing to our content, subject to :

– Do not use the technique of deep linking, i.e. the pages of the Website www.ateliersroche.frmust not be nested within the pages of another site (use of frames, for example), but accessible by opening a window;

– Mention in a text link the targeted content;

– Do not damage the image of Ateliers Roche and;

– Have obtained prior written permission from Ateliers Roche before any scoring.


This permission does not apply to websites that disseminate information of a pornographic, controversial, homophobic, xenophobic or, to a greater extent, may affect the sensitivity of many.


In addition, in order to facilitate access to other sites, Ateliers Roche has also inserted a number of hyperlinks pointing to third party sites. However, Ateliers Roche has no control over the content of third-party sites and cannot be held responsible for their content:

– The unavailability of third-party sites;

– For the content of those sites;

– Advertising;

– The possible processing or collection of personal data;

– The installation of cookies;

– External intrusion or the presence of computer viruses;

– Or other elements available on these sites.


We cannot therefore be held liable for any third-party Website to which you may have had access. As soon as we include a hypertext link pointing to another Site, we take care to indicate the source of the hypertext link.

Article 5 – Use of the Website and Disclaimer

This Website is a presentation Website that aims to provide institutional and commercial information about the company and its sister companies. Ateliers Roche strives to keep the Website accessible, but is under no obligation to do so. For maintenance, updating, and other technical or other reasons, Ateliers Roche reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, terminate, suspend or discontinue access to the Website at any time without notice, including but not limited to content, functionality or hours of availability. Ateliers Roche is in no way responsible for the consequences for the Visitor for such interruptions.

In no event shall Ateliers Roche be liable for any damages whatsoever, direct or indirect, arising out of your access to or use of this Website, or your access to or use of this Website or any other Website, including, without limitation, any financial or commercial loss, business interruption, loss of goodwill, loss of programs or data on your information system, even if Ateliers Roche has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Article 6 – The warning system

The warning system aims to reinforce the Groupe CIF’s Ethics and Corporate Responsibility approach and to guarantee all employees and third parties in the Groupe CIF a right of expression in order to work together towards better risk prevention.

This system presupposes a strong sense of responsibility on the part of each individual; this system can only work if the information communicated has been communicated in “good faith”, without any harmful intent.

The alert system allows Groupe CIF’s employees:

– To provide employees and any third parties with information and advice, in the event of misunderstanding, on the application or interpretation of the rules of the Code of Ethics;

– to report facts relating to a crime or misdemeanour, a serious and manifest violation of an international commitment regularly ratified or approved by France, a unilateral act of an international organisation taken on the basis of such a commitment, the law or regulations, or a serious threat or prejudice to the general interest of which they are personally aware, whatever the field.

The warning system guarantees confidentiality and respect for the rights of all persons in the handling of the proceedings. The Ethics Committee is responsible for this system.

The whistleblower must, first of all, inform the Ethics Committee through the means made available to it via the company’s website.

Only if the committee receiving the alert fails to take action within a reasonable period of time may the whistleblower contact the judicial authority, the administrative authority or the professional orders. As a last resort, in the absence of processing by one of these authorities within three months, the alert may be made public.

Failure to comply strictly with this graduated procedure will result in the loss of whistleblower status and the protection attached to it.

Processing of the alert

The alert will be received by the members of the Ethics Committee who will examine the file. Upon receipt of the alert, the Ethics Committee will be responsible for acknowledging receipt and registering with the whistleblower within a reasonable time.

If one of the members can be directly implicated by the alert issued, they will de facto be excluded from the investigation procedure.

The alert shall be made by its author in an identified manner, insofar as the procedure applied by the Ethics Committee for the collection of alerts guarantees strict confidentiality of the identity of the author of the alert, of the persons concerned by the alert and of the information collected by the Committee.

The Committee shall be able to take any precautionary measures to warn of an immediate danger or to guarantee the security of evidence.

Any warning which is manifestly outside the scope of the procedure, or the serious nature of which is disregarded, which is based on the bad faith of its author or which constitutes an abusive or slanderous denunciation, shall be destroyed without delay. The Committee shall inform the author thereof and decide on the consequences of any warning issued in bad faith or with malicious intent.

If the facts reported fall within the scope of the alert procedure, the employee or third party concerned will be informed as soon as the invitation for an investigation is registered. The Ethics Committee shall ensure that the data collected are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are collected.

The Ethics Committee or its members will then be able to check with the whistleblower his point of view on the reported facts.

Data relating to alerts shall be destroyed, kept or archived in accordance with the provisions in force.

Thus, as soon as they are collected by the Ethics Committee, data relating to an alert that falls outside the scope of the procedure will be destroyed. Otherwise, the Ethics Committee is entitled to keep the data for the duration of the procedure and the follow-up given to the result of the investigation, in particular any legal action against the person(s) reported.

Any person issuing an alert authorises the Work’s Council to automatically process the alerts and to keep the data until the file and its follow-up are closed.


The Ethics Committee set up at group level can be reached by email at the following address:

Article 7 – Applicable law

The Website and its content are created in accordance with the laws and rules applicable in France and the European Union.

These T&C are subject to French law.